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【母親節優惠】全店滿$800 即可享 95折優惠 滿 $1200 即額外送 Joatte 韓國製嬰兒無螢光純棉浴巾 一件 (價值$159)
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【母親節優惠】全店滿$800 即可享 95折優惠 滿 $1200 即額外送 Joatte 韓國製嬰兒無螢光純棉浴巾 一件 (價值$159)
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Fisher Price|Butterfly Dreams 3-in-1 Projection Mobile

Fisher Price|Butterfly Dreams 3-in-1 Projection Mobile

Licensed in Hong Kong

A set includes:
-Butterfly Dreams 3-in-1 Projection Mobile x1

Until 2024-05-14T16:00:00.000+00:00 【母親節優惠】滿 $1200 即送joatte 毛巾 一條 on order

全店買滿 $500 即可享本地免費送貨 【澳門/台灣地區則運費到付】 on order

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Customer Reviews
Star light, star bright, wishing for baby to sleep tonight? Little ones love gazing up at this motorized crib mobile with starry light show projection and three soothing audio modes. As baby gets older, convert the Butterfly Dreams 3-1in-1 Projection Mobile to a tabletop projection soother and maintain that hard-won bedtime routine. Or link it to the stroller canopy for entertaining on the go. Everyone’s sweet dreams are coming true.
Serenity is closer than you think with a motorized projection crib mobile for newborns, infants and babies up to 5 months
Look up! Starry night light show projects on ceiling and walls
What does baby like best? Choose from three audio modes with up to 30 minutes of lullaby music, white noise or soothing nature sounds
Three soft, sweet, smiling butterfly bears help soothe, comfort and entertain
Remote control restarts motorized mobile motion, starry light show projection and up to 30 minutes of audio​
Star light, star bright, wishing for baby to sleep tonight? Little ones love gazing up at this motorized crib mobile with starry light show projection and three soothing audio modes. As baby gets older, convert the Butterfly Dreams 3-1in-1 Projection Mobile to a tabletop projection soother and maintain that hard-won bedtime routine. Or link it to the stroller canopy for entertaining on the go. Everyone’s sweet dreams are coming true.

Three soft, sweet, smiling butterfly bears help soothe, comfort and entertain
Remote control restarts motorized mobile motion, starry light show projection and up to 30 minutes of audio
Converts to table top musical projection soother for older babies and toddlers, and a linkable mobile that easily clips to your stroller’s canopy             
​For the Best Possible Start

To give your child the best possible start in life, you don’t have to have all the answers or do things a certain way. All you have to do is the best you can, and let your kids play. At Fisher-Price, we’re dedicated to helping you do just that by working tirelessly to bring you the very best gear and toys. Fisher-Price toys are made to help all kids—from infants to toddlers to preschoolers—develop through play, in their own ways, because that’s how they learn best at each age and stage. And for babies, our gear offers simple solutions (more sleep, anyone?) you can’t possibly parent without.

Everything but boring

Colors. Characters. Lights. Motion. Music. It’s all important. These features (all included in this mobile) help entertain, create a sense of sleep-time routine, encourage eye- tracking and stimulate important senses, like sight and hearing.

Sweet dreams, little one

The soft-glow starry light show, gentle sounds and music and sweet butterfly bears dancing overhead help baby to understand when it's time to wind down and go to sleep. All of these calming features help surround baby with a consistent bedtime routine. 

3-in-1 gets the job done

Late nights. Middle of the nights. Early mornings. Mid-day meltdowns. Nothing a Fisher-Price mobile can’t help. As a crib mobile, the Fisher-Price Butterfly Dreams 3-in-1 Projection Mobile helps soothe baby at naptime or bedtime with a starry light show, three butterfly bears slowly rotating overhead and three audio modes that provide up to 30 minutes of calming music or sounds. Remote control lets you start or stop the soothing without disturbing baby. When baby outgrows a crib mobile, convert it to a table top musical projection soother for older babies and toddlers. As a stroller mobile, it easily clips to almost any stroller canopy so baby can enjoy seeing those familiar faces wherever you ride.
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Customer Reviews
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